Hotpot Tinkerbelle Doddsline Pete x Simonsville Tasmin by Doddsline
Tinkerbelle is a fantastic bitch and is staying with me at Hotpot.
Photo by Trafford

Hotpot Barney Rubble Ch Doddsline Kristen x Hotpot Twinkle Little Star
Barney is on loan to Necku Kennels in Finland for a year.

Hotpot Chocolate Bar Ch Doddsline Kristen x Hotpot Twinkle Little Star
Barry is know living at Mongrel’s Kennels in Sweden

Hotpot Hot News Ch Doddsline Kristen x Hotpot Twinkle Little Star
Kaya now lives in Norway with her owner Trine.

Hotpot Truffle Doddsline Pete x Simonsville Tasmin by Doddsline
Laddie’s here in England with his new family and being lightly shown.
Photo by Trafford

Hotpot Bobby Labonte Doddsline Pete x Simonsville Tazmin by Doddsline Bobby lives with Maria Senborn in Sweden and is being shown there.

This is Elwyn his mum is Hotpot Little Madam , He went to live in Cornwall with Lisa Hughes and family including Toddie another Heeler and Meg a collie, Hes been shown with success in 2005 and is qualified and entered for Crufts 2006, Hes a lovely happy dog

This is Poppy, she's very dear to my heart as I lost her mother Pretty Nikki a few months after she was born, she was the only puppy in this litter and the only litter Nikki every had, So Poppy is all I have of Nikki and she is so like her mother its uncanny.Poppy lives with her family Jan and Pete in Weston super mare, They collected Poppy when she was 9 weeks old along with another female Penny. Poppy has been shown lightly in 2005 but done well each time out. She is qualified for Crufts 2006

Heres Penny, she is out of Dolly's litter and again a one and only pup, she lives with Jan and Pete in Weston Super Mare along with Poppy.
Penny is so confident and outgoing , she has been shown lightly in 2005 and done very well each time out, Penny is qualified for Crufts 2006.

Daisy went to the USA, to Florida, I was asked to deliver her to her new family and owner Emma aged 10. It was an amazing experience to take a puppy onboard a Delta flight and caused quite a stir with passanger's from Manchester airport. She was as good as gold on the long journey to Atlanta and was a star travelling by car down to her destination in Florida. I have had regular email contact with her owner Emma who was and is absolutely delighted with Daisy. She's got the most fantastic life.
Puddin was from Hotpot little Madam, Hottie as she is known lives with her family not far away from here, they asked me if they could keep Puddin from the litter so he stayed with his mum . He is a family pet and has not been shown by his family. I am hoping to get a photo of him to add here soon.

Here's Caty her mother is Tammy, Caty went to her new home at 9 weeks old she still lives in Lancashire with her owner Audrey Bancroft who also owns a male heeler Doddsline Biscuits . Caty is shown on a regular basis and has had good results so far. She is qualified and entered for Crufts 2006. Caty is a proper little madam, I am lucky enough to see Caty often and she knows me very well. Audrey says she gets excited every time she see a woman with blonde hair she thinks it me.
Photo by Trafford
Denzel was out of Twinkle’s litter and lives with his owners and another heeler Poppy. I am hoping he will be shown in 2006. He was the only black pup in Twinkles litter. I am awaiting an updated photo of Denzel which I will add soon.